Shadow Mastery

From Shadow to Light: A Transformational Journey of Wholeness

Course Summary

Explore the Depths of Shadow Mastery - A Journey of Self-Discovery and Transformation  

Embark on a transformative journey towards wholeness and self-discovery. "Shadow Mastery: A Transformational Journey of Wholeness" is a comprehensive program that guides you through the depths of your psyche, helping you embrace and integrate your shadow aspects.  

Introduction to Shadow & Archetypes - This session will cover the basics of the Shadow Mastery program, setting the stage for the transformative journey ahead.  

Embracing the Shadow: The Prostitute/Lover Archetype - This session will delve into the Prostitute/Lover archetype, exploring how to embrace and integrate this aspect of the shadow.  

The Child/Sovereign Archetype: Reclaiming Innocence and Power - This session will focus on the Child/Sovereign archetype, helping participants reclaim their innocence and personal power.  

The Victim/Warrior Archetype: From Suffering to Strength - This session will examine the Victim/Warrior archetype, guiding participants on a journey from suffering to strength.  

The Saboteur/Magician Archetype: Self-Deception to Unleashing Potential - This session will explore the Saboteur/Magician archetype, unmasking self-deception and unleashing potential.  

Alchemy & Manifestation: Transforming Shadows into Light - This session will introduce the concepts of alchemy and manifestation, teaching participants how to transform their shadows into light.  

Alchemy & Manifestation Practice: Live Group Coaching -
This session will provide a live group coaching experience, allowing participants to practice the concepts of alchemy and manifestation.  

Q&A and Alchemy Practice: Deepening the Journey - This final session will provide an opportunity for questions and answers, as well as further practice in alchemy, deepening the journey into shadow mastery.  

Join us on this extraordinary journey of self-discovery and transformation. Enroll in "Shadow Mastery" and unlock the keys to a more profound understanding of yourself and your path to wholeness.     

Course Curriculum

Alpa Kapadia Teli

Hello, I am Alpa. I am a professionally Certified Leadership & Life Coach, Trainer and a Motivational Speaker. I have been in the field of inner transformation for the last 20 years. This is my company, Ignite The Spark. But before everything else I am someone who is driven by an intense passion and purpose, to help you create your legacy in the process become the best version of yourself.
I guide you – visionary leaders and coaches, to deepen your leadership mastery so that you can have exponential impact in your arena. I do this by helping you reconnect with your innate power, and demolishing your self-limiting beliefs. I create a Unique Inner Transformation Journey for you to go from where you are to where you want to be through one on one coaching, my signature workshops and customized sessions with my team of empaneled experts.

You are such a powerful creator. You know that you are the creator of your own life – can you imagine how magnificent it would be to consciously create a life that you deeply desire?

It is my life’s work and I am so grateful to do this every day!

Know More :

Sudeep Sharma

GM HR @ IMDC & Leadership Coach

....shadow mastery has taken me way deeper in understanding who I am as an individual and why I'm behaving in a particular way. It has really brought about in me, my focus on personal mastery, a definite higher emotional stability in setting boundaries. I'm able to channelize my energies & have the desired outcome from the conversations the way I would like them & achieve my strategic goals 

Deepa Mahesh

Founder – Poorna Wellbeing, Leadership & Life Coach

I wanted to kill every energy within me that allows me and tolerates me to play small and I was very clear and done with it. So when I saw the announcement I registered.  It was an awesome life-changing experience.  I started looking at myself as the CEO on a level of being an entrepreneur, as a business woman and when I looked at it from that way it felt so empowering because now  my inner energy shifted..

Neeti Salva Nandu

Award Winning Coach Business Coach for Women Entrepreneurs

..shadow mastery helped me look at parts of myself that I would reject, dislike, judge & criticize. I can now embrace & love those parts of me that we like to hide from the world. I identified my shadows which I was using to sabotage myself, seek validation and appreciation from outside & then shining light on these.   I fill my own cup now that my energy drain has reduced to nil.  I am always energized & excited, money is flowing with ease. My life is not even remotely the same  as it was before shadow mastery!

Heather Gupta

Global HR Head & Executive Coach

Shadow Mastery is a powerful tool which can help create truly transformational change for all of us who are stuck in our endless patterns and living limited lives thanks to our inability to make the shifts we need to achieve our true potential.  

Shraddha Subramanian

Award-winning Business Coach

The shadow work has helped me cut out drama from my life & helped me break free from societal conditioning and become more of who I really am I have become a better coach and I am able to give more to my clients and help them better. 

Course Pricing

Shadow Mastery

94400 INR

  • All details of the course are available at :

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