Ignite Your Spark

Journey to Self - mastery

Course Summary

Here's What You Learn

Breakthrough Age-Old Societal Conditioning : In this module, you will learn tools to understand where you are in life currently and an understanding of the impact your environment has had on you, so you can see the masks you are wearing clearly and throw off the ones that don't serve you.

Decode & Master Your Emotions : I will take you through my unique emotional iceberg model to help you decode why you feel what you feel and then learn a powerful process to reset your emotions, so you can rewire your emotional landscape completely.

Rewrite Your Story: Learn a simple framework to identify disempowering beliefs that make you play small and how to release these stories, to make you unstoppable in the pursuit of your dreams.

Shadow Work & Your Archetype: In this Module, I will take you through my comprehensive self - discovery exercise. This will help you identify your core values and your inherent strengths. Your life will never be the same again.

Re-Discover Yourself: Dive into your core strengths, regain the vigour and tools you need to develop a practical approach to resetting your renewed goals, so that you can completely transform yourself holistically

Here’s what you get:

    • 20 Videos with potent content which make this complex material really simple for you.
    • 18 workbooks to hand hold each step of the way to self-mastery.
    • Bonus – Digital Course – Financial Abundance – 2 hours of videos with exercises and self-work
    • Bonus – Digital Course – How to set healthy boundaries – A must learn for a drama- free and aligned life.
    • Deep Dive into your personal challenges and action planning and lots more
    • Assignments to integrate the changes into your life
    • Curated videos and tools
    • Exclusive Facebook group for added support
    • Special Offers & exciting discounts to my other programs which I only share on the Ignite Your Spark Facebook group.

Course Curriculum

Alpa Kapadia Teli

Hello, I am Alpa. I am a professionally Certified Leadership & Life Coach, Trainer and a Motivational Speaker. I have been in the field of inner transformation for the last 20 years. This is my company, Ignite The Spark. But before everything else I am someone who is driven by an intense passion and purpose, to help you create your legacy in the process become the best version of yourself.
I guide you – visionary leaders and coaches, to deepen your leadership mastery so that you can have exponential impact in your arena. I do this by helping you reconnect with your innate power, and demolishing your self-limiting beliefs. I create a Unique Inner Transformation Journey for you to go from where you are to where you want to be through one on one coaching, my signature workshops and customized sessions with my team of empaneled experts.

You are such a powerful creator. You know that you are the creator of your own life – can you imagine how magnificent it would be to consciously create a life that you deeply desire?

It is my life’s work and I am so grateful to do this every day!

Know More : https://ignitethespark.in/abou...

Rohini D'souza

The Ignite Your Spark sessions helped me understand that it is not other people, situations, luck, destiny that shapes my life but rather my own beliefs that shape the story of my life. It also helped me understand and identify faulty irrational belief systems I was clinging onto which created consequent negative emotions in me. This shift in perspective helped me feel more empowered and in control of my life and my responses. It also gave me great clarity on my life’s values and purpose. I would recommend this program to all women who are looking for a fresh start on life where you control your own happiness. 

Course Pricing

Ignite Your Spark

5000 INR

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